This website had to be engineered as well. Since 2013 I update my site regularly to match it to the latest technologies and my personal taste. As of 2023 it is based on Next.js, Tailwind and Contentful.

Period: 03/2013 to 08/2024

Type: PrivatePrivate

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Contentful

What it is About

My website changes every other year and is re-engineered with the latest technologies I am interested in.

One of the first versions was pure HTML and CSS, there have been versions based on React, Vue.js or Jekyll (GitHub Pages).

Project Implementation

The latest version of my site builds opon Next.js (React) and makes use of Tailwind CSS for styling. All dynamic content is distributed via Contentful for easy updates. The website has a clean and simple design and features a dark mode. It is for the first time in a few years available in German and English.

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